Contemporary China Studies : All Pages
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- Harnessing Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Agricultural Development and Rural Transformation in Ethiopia: Lessons from China
- Impact of globalization on security: case of semiconductors
- Media and international relations
- Concepts of sovereignty and contested states
- Son Preference and Sex Ratio Imbalances in China
- The Children of China’s Great Migration and Urbanisation
- The growing visibility of China’s soft power projection in international relations
- Contemporary EU-China relations and the challenge of achieving normative transference
- The Advance of the State in China
- How Does the Experience and Behaviour of China Inform Development Theories and Practices?
- The Interactions between the Local State and Non-Governmental Organizations in China
- ‘China, The West and the New Asian Century’ Paul Irwin Crookes Seminar at LSE
- The Life Course Experiences of Ethnic Minorities
- Dying for an iPhone
- China's Health Environment and Welfare (CHEW) Research Group
- Experiencing land loss and urbanisation
- Health, illness and welfare in rural China
- Living with pollution and citizen science in rural China
- Circuits of e-waste and value: making e-waste subjects in China and Japan
- Resistance to waste incineration in rural China
- China Centre Newsletter Archive - Hilary Term 2014
- China Centre Newsletter Archive - Michaelmas Term 2013
- China Centre Newsletter Archive - Trinity Term 2013
- China Centre Newsletter Archive - Hilary Term 2013
- China Centre Newsletter Archive - Michaelmas Term 2012
- China Centre Newsletter Archive - Trinity Term 2012
- China Centre Newsletter Archive - Hilary Term 2012
- ESRC Masters-to-DPhil Studentships
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- Current Academic Visitors
- Administrative
- Dr Pow C.P.
- Dr Hekai Weng
- Mark Logan
- Robert Haufe
- Yihuan Jackie Hu
- James Tunningley
- Caleb Pomeroy
- Kathleen Traynor DeRose
- Christo Thekkel
- Andrew Winterbottom
- Zhongwen Zhang
- Giacomo Bampini
- Yimeng Cheng
- Alex Hogstrom
- Paul Joscha Kohlenberg
- Verity Robins
- Natasha Taylor-Gatigno
- Ben Turndorf
- Helen Ball
- Wei Cai
- No Upcoming Events
- "Urban Chinese Daughters" by Dr. Patricia O'Neill
- Linda Qian
- The Mortgage Migration
- Application Deadlines Released
- Introducing the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
- Why India-Pakistan-China Cooperation is Imperative for Peace and Prosperity in South Asia
- CHEW Conference 2018: Health, Environment and Welfare in China’s New Era
- ‘Russian Brides’ and the Politics of National Reproduction in the People’s Republic of China
- Hamsa Rajan at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig
- Academic and Royal Launch for Oxford’s ASEAN Institute Campaign
- Statement on Behaviour
- SIAS welcomes Professor Kyle Jaros
- The Guardian interviews former faculty member Jenny Chan
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks on Europe-China relations after Brexit at the EU-Asia Centre in Brussels
- Paul Irwin Crookes interviewed by The South China Morning Post
- St Cross College Graduate Admissions Open Day
- Paul Irwin Crookes publishes new book ‘The Politics of EU-China Economic Relations: An Uneasy Partnership’
- Kyle Jaros speaks at the University of Cambridge
- Patricia Thornton co-edits special issue of The China Quarterly
- MSc in Contemporary Chinese Studies - Afternoon Tea
- Jennifer Holdaway gives seminar at Hohai University
- Paul Irwin Crookes presents on EU–China economic relations at a panel discussion at the China Centre
- Paul Irwin Crookes presents the latest research on EU–China economic relations at Chatham House
- Leverhulme Trust Early-Career Fellowships 2017
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks at RUSI on UK-Taiwan economic relations post-Brexit
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks on UK-China relations at an interdisciplinary policy workshop on Brexit
- Barclay Bram Shoemaker, MSc Student in Contemporary Chinese Studies, Publishes Articles in Vice Offering Unique Insights into Chinese Society
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks on EU-China relations at Warwick University’s China Development Society
- Newton International Fellowships 2017
- Part-time Research and Administrative Assistant
- Dr Janey Messina joins SIAS
- SIAS Careers Day
- Panel Event: Status Seeking in World Politics: India, Russia and China in Comparative Perspective
- Postdoctoral Research Assistant - Circuits of Waste and Value: Making E-waste Subjects in China and Japan
- Jennifer Holdaway speaks about environment and health in China on podcast for the Council on Foreign Relations
- Kyle Jaros - presenter at the Association for Asian Studies annual conference
- Jennifer Holdaway publishes article in Xuehai
- Anna Lora-Wainwright's second monograph forthcoming from MIT Press
- Kyle Jaros lectures on book project at the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies
- Miriam Driessen chairs panel at American Ethnological Society meeting
- Part-time Departmental Lecturership in Contemporary Chinese Studies
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks on EU-China economic relations at a policy roundtable in Zurich organised by Chatham House and Credit Suisse Research Institute
- Horizon 2020 MSCA-IF-2017 - SIAS Internal Selection process
- A chapter by Jennifer Holdaway in the 'Routledge Handbook of Environmental Policy in China'
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks at BIICL conference on the political factors driving China’s international trade engagement with the UK and EU after the Brexit decision
- Coraline Goron is joining the China Centre in MT17 to work with Prof Anna Lora-Wainwright supported by a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Philippe Wiener - Maurice Anspach Foundation
- Jennifer Holdaway speaks on environmental and social justice at Fudan University
- China’s Stance on NSG Membership Shows the Extent of India’s Challenge in the Global Nuclear Order
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks at the annual EU-China Policy Roundtable in Brussels about ongoing challenges in realising an effective strategic economic partnership between Europe and China
- Kyle Jaros receives Fell Fund grant to research China's urban governance restructuring
- Paul Irwin Crookes meets up with London-based alumni from the MSc in Contemporary Chinese Studies
- Kyle Jaros speaks at Nanjing University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shanghai Jiaotong University
- Departmental Lectureship in Contemporary Chinese Studies
- Forum on Health, Environment and Development (FORHEAD) holds Summer Writing Workshop at Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Viola Rothschild awarded Ko Prize for best MSc dissertation
- Part-time Research and Administrative Assistant
- Paul Irwin Crookes publishes an online article in Europe’s World analysing a growing crisis of trust in EU-China economic relations despite prospects for accord over climate change policy
- Rachel Murphy gives Keynote Talk in Guangdong and is Visiting Scholar at Hong Kong University
- Miriam Driessen publishes in 中国非洲研究评论 (Annual Review of African Studies in China)
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks about China’s international relations at the annual conference of the Young China Watchers in London
- Forum on Health, Environment and Development (FORHEAD) 9th Annual Conference in Beijing
- Doctoral student Linda Qian (Area Studies - China) publishes article in the International Journal of Communication
- SIAS/FCO East Asia Dialogue
- The Forum on Health, Environment and Development holds its 9th Annual Meeting in Beijing
- Anna Lora-Wainwright visits University of Oslo and the Autonomous University of Barcelona to speak about her book 'Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China'
- Anna Lora-Wainwright is visiting scholar at China Agricultural University
- Anna Lora-Wainwright discusses her new book and research in an interview with China Dialogue
- Anna Lora-Wainwright publishes blog about her new book in New Security Beat
- Professor Rachel Murphy gives Key Note Lecture at the Institute for the Study of Strategic Regions, Charles University
- Miriam Driessen publishes article on "Rural Voids" in Public Culture
- Jérôme Doyon gives presentation at University of London workshop
- FORHEAD holds conferences on current research on China's air pollution
- SIAS Winter Newsletter
- Read the latest review of the book 'The Politics of EU-China Economic Relations' by John Farnell and Paul Irwin Crookes, published in the journal International Affairs
- ESRC Postdoctoral Fellowship 2018 (SIAS Deadline: 22nd Feb 2018 – University Deadline 23rd March 2018)
- Newton International Fellowship 2018 (SIAS Deadline: 1st March 2018)
- The Robin & Nadine Wells Scholarship
- Paul Irwin Crookes interviewed by The New York Times about UK-China relations in light of Theresa May’s visit to China
- Paul Irwin Crookes and Kyle Jaros publish an article in ChinaFile examining UK-China relations
- Kyle Jaros publishes article in The China Quarterly
- Miriam Driessen interviewed by the BBC Chinese
- Anna Lora-Wainwright discusses new book at the Chinese University of Hong Kong's Environmental Humanities Workshop
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks at a workshop hosted by the Shanghai Institute of International Studies about Europe's maritime strategic engagement with China in East Asia
- Anna Lora-Wainwright's 'Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China' book wins BBC Thinking Allowed Award for Ethnography
- Hamsa Rajan recently published an article in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
- Paul Irwin Crookes speaks on UK-China economic relations at a conference organised by the UK Department for International Trade in London
- British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship 2018/2019 - Expression of Interest Deadline 31/08/2018
- 'Challenges of Compression'
- FORHEAD holds its 10th Anniversary Conference in Beijing
- Visiting Fellowship for Pakistan Offers Mutual Benefits
- Vacancies
- The Double-Edged Sword
- Assessing China’s Economic Statecraft in Europe
- On Feeding the Masses: The Politics of Regulatory Failure in China
- Kevin Rudd talking about US-China relations
- War Crimes and Justice in China and East Asia in the Post-1945 Era
- New Youth: Watching Young China
- Changing Referents: Learning Across Space and Time in China and the West
- Symposium: Drugs, Politics and Society in the Global South
- Time Has Begun: Hu Feng’s Poiesis in Socialist China, 1937-50
- The Perfect Dictatorship: China in the 21st Century
- China, Europe, the UK and the US: New Thinking
- Land Reform outcomes in Shanxi and Guangdong, c.1945-1965: New Findings from the Ganbu dang’an
- A Rumor of Ghost (黑眚) and its Circulation in Ming and Qing China
- The Other Great Game: The Opening of Korea and the Birth of Modern East Asia, 1876-1905
- Institutional Credibility and Authoritarian Governance: Evidence from Land Expropriations in China’s Urbanization
- Addressing Air Pollution in China: Not Just an Environmental Policy Problem
- Climbing the Mobility Ladder: Practices of Mobile Citizenship in China
- Royal treasures, secret texts and the forgotten esoteric traditions of pre-imperial China
- Back to the Future with Xi Jinping
- The end of the one-child policy and its effect on LGBT Chinese
- Film screening of 'Pink Dads' & a conversation with director Fan Popo
- Intoxicating Shanghai: Modernist Literature and Art in Shanghai's Jazz Age
- Mass Misleading of Leaders Under Authoritarianism: Implications for Understanding and Surveying the Public in China
- Chun-Tu Hsueh Distinguished Lecture - China and the West: Crossroads of Globalisation
- Coastal Economies and China’s Maritime Power
- ‘Let your child win at the starting line’: Hong Kong’s Education System as a Desired Destination
- Latin American Centre Seminars: Co-hosted with the African Studies Centre and the China Centre: The impact of China in developing countries: Latin America and Africa compared
- Michael Wood and Rebecca Dobbs on 'The Story of China: Turning Chinese History into Television'
- State of Exchange: Migrant NGOs and the Chinese Government
- China and the Death of American Comparative Law
- Forging the Golden Urn: Qing Empire and the Politics of Reincarnation in Tibet, 1792-1911
- Rebels in Power: Shandong and Shanxi in China’s Cultural Revolution
- Panel Event: Status Seeking in World Politics: India, Russia and China in Comparative Perspective
- SIAS Careers Day
- The Emergence of the Indian and Chinese Economic Powerhouses: Historical and Institutional Perspectives
- The Making of Formal Politics in China ‒ Anticorruption Campaign in Transformation (2012-2017)
- China’s National Urbanization Program: Party-State Expansion and the End of the Village
- Surviving Conservation: Herders and Farmers in China’s Northwest
- Mandarin Forum: A World in Sand: Nomadic Life and its Response to Desertification in Alpine Wetlands and Grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau
- China’s Economy and Society – What Next? A discussion forum on contemporary Chinese politics and society with two distinguished commentators
- Re-Sacralizing the Landscape: Asian Communities and a Sustainable Future
- The Idea of China through the Lens of International Sports
- African Studies Seminar: Laughing about Corruption in Chinese-Ethiopian Encounters
- China and Israel: Strange Bedfellows (1948‒2016)
- Mobile Phone Traders and Smartphone Users Between China and Myanmar
- Mandarin Forum: Rural Housing Land Right Registry and Rural Households in China
- The Mighty Words: Writing and Authority in Tang China
- CHEW Conference 2017: Contesting Modernisation: The Future of Health, Environment, and Welfare in China
- Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the Belt and Road Initiative
- Mandarin Forum: The Hui Warehouses in Gansu and the Local Society during the Republican Period: A Case Study
- Sir Robert Hart, Ireland’s Imperial Mandarin: The Most Influential Foreigner in Qing China
- Research Forum with Renmin University: New Research from China on Chinese Communist Party History and Contemporary Chinese Society
- The Aesthetics of Technological Excess in Contemporary Chinese Performance
- Growing Up in (and out) of Shenzhen: The Longer-term Impacts of Rural-Urban Migration on Children
- Rehabilitating History: A reconsideration of the treatment of disability in Chinese history and its implications for today
- Violence, Atrocity and Conflict: New Research from East Asia in Comparative Perspective with Europe
- Silk Road and Modern China: Doing business in China and other Asian markets
- Bombing, Civilians, and War: Comparisons between Europe, Japan, and China in World War II
- **CANCELLED** Magical Concepts and Political Economy
- The Book of Swindles: Selections from a Late Ming Collection
- Rethinking the Opium War and Fascism in East Asia
- Generation HK: Seeking Identity in China’s Shadow
- Is China an ‘Entrepreneurial State’? Artificial Intelligence innovation under government guidance
- Crowdsourcing as a Tool for Enhancing Public Health Programs in China
- New Approaches to the South China Sea Conflicts
- Hollywood Made in China
- African Studies Seminar: China and Africa: a Diplomatic Perspective
- Brexit, the UK, and China: Where Next?
- Special Event - Astor Lecture: Is There a Global History of Humanitarianism?
- The Politics of Joining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
- Skills Training of Migrant Workers and their Share of the Benefits of Development in China
- Electric shadows reloaded: the post-digital animateur, shadow play and handmade cinema
- IR Research Colloquium: Restraining Great Powers: Soft Balancing from Empires to the Global Era
- After the 19th Party Congress: Xi Jinping Thought and the Future for Chinese Politics
- 50 Shades of Grey: The Emergence of ‘Smog Art’ in China
- China after the Party Congress: Challenges to America’s Role
- The Art of Non-Alliance in Cold War-era Chinese Literature
- RISJ Seminar: India and China: Strangers across the Border
- Migration and the Ripple Effect: How Chinese Mobility Prompts African Mobility
- Mandarin Forum: Governing Media and Mediatized Governance: Cultural Dynamics in Contemporary Chinese Politics
- New Scholarship from the China Centre: Chinese Politics and Power
- The Regulatory State in China: Ambition, Strategy, and Limitation
- Blockbusters, Biennales and Market Economy: the Global Spin of Chinese Contemporary Art
- Studying China from Within and Without: A Personal Perspective
- Easy Riders and Good Fellows: Rebellion, Masculinity, and the Market in Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Film
- The Grammar and Semantics of Abstraction in Classical Chinese
- Connections: China and the West in the Making of History
- Are the US and China Fated to Fight?
- Taking China out of Premodern Global History
- BOOK LAUNCH: Resigned Activism: Living with Pollution in Rural China
- The Stagnant Ditch and the Politics of Deodorizing China
- African Studies Seminar: Negotiating with China: African agency and challenges
- China’s Inadvertent Empire: China in Central Asia
- Many Roads from Pasture to Plate: China’s Beef Trade, 1732-1931
- A System Apart: Hong Kong’s Political Economy from 1997 till Now
- Masculine Compromise: The Impact of Migration on Family and Gender Relations in China
- Silencing Hong Kong: Press Censorship, Free Speech and Rule of Law in British Hong Kong (1850s–1940s)
- Gendered Experiences of Christianity and Nationalism during the Second World War in East Asia
- Economic Partnership between China and Europe: Reality, Possibility or Yesterday's Story?
- Déjà Vu? Photography as Metaphor: Repurposing Archival Photographs of Mao
- Why China did not have a Renaissance – and why that matters
- Language and Securitization of Language Policy in Contemporary Xinjiang
- ‘Thugs-for-Hire’ and Outsourcing of State Repression in China
- Cold War Variations in the Representation of China
- Unmaking China’s Development: The Function and Credibility of Institutions
- **POSTPONED** Party, Nation-State, Empire: Morphologies of Rule in China
- **POSTPONED** ‘Did World War II in China matter?’
- Shades of Authoritarianism: State-Labour Relations in China
- Spies in East Asia
- **POSTPONED** Where next for Asia, China and post-Brexit Britain?
- The Pakistan-China Corridor: Impacts on Regional Stability
- The Unbearable Discretion of Street-level Bureaucrats: Corruption and Collusion in Hong Kong
- China’s Water Quality Management in the Era of Big Data
- Thoughts on the Book of Ritual Paraphernalia in the Qing Dynasty
- Knowing What Not to Know in Contemporary China
- Twin Cities under Attack: London and Chongqing during World War Two, 1937-1945
- New Perspectives on Hong Kong and Sino-British Relations in the Early 20th Century
- The Cultural Revolution and Me
- Lawyers and the Politics of Activism in the Xi Jinping Era
- Cultural Revolution: Personal Experiences
- The Legal Construction of Immigrant China
- China's Boxer Rising and First Global War
- Debt and the End of the Chinese Economic Miracle
- Energy Policy in Xi's China
- The Legal Challenges of the Belt and Road: Views from Dubai International Financial Centre Courts
- Cold War Competition and Cooperation in East Asia
- China Centre Distinguished Lecture: ‘The UK and China after Brexit – what next?
- Blue Plaque commemorating James Legge
- The Trajectory from Tongzhi Literature to the BL World
- China: Governing Stability at Home and Abroad
- Nissan Seminar: A one-day conference on Compressed Development in Asia and Beyond
- Mandarin Forum
- Britain, Asia, the World: Beyond Brexit?
- Legal Controversies and State-Building in Late 19th Century East Asia
- The Oxford University China-Africa Network (OUCAN) conference
- ‘Reunion is A Dark Room’: Dream and the Camera Obscura of Kaili Blues
- From Regional Planning to Local Action: Challenges and Approaches for Development Initiatives in China
- Spatial Misallocation: The Crux of China’s Economic Slowdown
- Back to the Future? China’s Rise, Sovereignty, and International Law
- Independent Press in the Age of World Literature
- Party, Nation-State, Empire: Re-thinking the Grammar of Chinese Governance
- Mandarin Forum
- Talk by Chairman Stan Shih on Si-nnovation Island
- 'Britain Needs A New Mindset' - India expert gives evidence to House of Lords inquiry
- Sino-Indian Connections: New Perspectives on 20th century Conflicts
- Professor Paul Irwin Crookes published at Europe's World Journal
- Professor Paul Irwin Crookes delivered a lecture for the Association for International Affairs (AMO)
- Happiness in Henan, Circa 1200 BC: A Study of the Divination Coda kan 侃in the Huayuanzhuang East Oracle Bone Inscriptions
- Problematic Sovereignty on China’s Periphery: A Case Study of Post-1997 Hong Kong
- Making the Vigilant Citizens: Gender and Surveillance in China
- National security, free trade agreements and investment – the case of China
- 'Unpacking Farmers’ Cognition of Land Usufruct in China’s Urban Periphery: A Behavioural Institutionalist Perspective
- The Qièyùn Manuscripts before the Emergence of the Guǎngyùn
- Creative Compilations: Shifting content in popular print culture in late imperial
- Conversations with Confucius: New Views on History, Authenticity, and Humanity in Recently Unearthed Manuscripts
- Professor Kyle Jaros Publishes New Article in Studies in Comparative International Development Journal
- Lily McElwee
- Barclay Bram Shoemaker
- Professor Paul Irwin Crookes publishes new article at Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
- Military-strategic Drivers of China’s Assertiveness in the SCS: Space and Naval Development
- China’s Weapons Transfer in the Western Hemisphere
- The Body Simile and the Politics of Illness in Early China
- Minjian: the Rise of China’s Grassroots Intellectuals
- Discussing Renaissance Pedagogy with late Ming Literati: the Role of Alfonso Vagnone's Treatises on Moral Philosophy
- Max Weber’s China: the Transcendental and the Empirical
- Gender and Class at Work in Rural China under Mao
- Might a Looming Water Crisis in Northern China Derail China's Economic Growth?
- Professor Kyle Jaros talks about his new book "China's Urban Champions: The Politics of Spatial Development" in New Books Network
- Dr Hamsa Rajan published the article ‘Dilemmas of Feminist Practice in Transnational Spaces: Solidarity, Personal Growth, and Potential Solutions' in the journal Gender, Place and Culture
- OSGA Global Forum: 50 Years of Dependency and Development: Challenges and Risks to Democracy Then and Now
- Professor Kyle Jaros presents his book "China's Urban Champions: The Politics of Spatial Development" at Princeton's Wythes Center on Contemporary China and the University of Pennsylvania's Center for the Study of Contemporary China
- Professor Paul Irwin Crookes speaks at the annual EU-China Policy Roundtable in Brussels
- Recognised Students
- Professor Kyle Jaros co-authored the article Provincial Power in a Centralizing China: The Politics of Domestic and International “Development Space”, published on the China Journal
- Chinese Studies alumnus Mark Logan elected as a Member of Parliament in the General Election
- The Stuff of International Relations, and Why It Matters: Things, People, and the China Pavilion at the Leipzig Fairs
- Securing China's Northwest Frontier: Identity and Insecurity in Xinjiang
- Threatened by Peace: The PRC’s Peacefulness Rhetoric and the ‘China’ Representation Question in the United Nations (1949-1971)
- China, Europe and the future of the World Trade Organisation: difficult choices ahead!
- The Qāḍī and the Yamen: Islam on the Ground in Late Imperial China
- The past and future of Chinese historical phonology: philology, reconstruction, and network theory
- Telling the Truth in Socialist China:Letters from the Masses and Mass-Line Epistemology, 1945 - 1978
- Science, Power and the Power of Science in China (1978 to nowadays)
- Dr Jérôme Doyon authored the article ‘The Strength of a Weak Organization: The Communist Youth League as a Path to Power in Post-Mao China’ published by The China Quarterly
- Dr Jérôme Doyon co-authored with Dr Franziska Keller the article ‘Knowing the Wrong Cadre? Networks and Promotions in the Chinese Party-State’ published by Political Studies.
- The Future of Area Studies Roundtable
- Professor Maria H.A. Jaschok publihes new article on British Journal of Chinese Studies
- Professor Rachel Murphy publishes 'The Children of China’s Great Migration'
- Governing the Urban in China and India
- Peripatetic Lives
- Impact Spotlights: Chinese children’s voices
- Professor Maria H.A. Jaschok publishes new book: Ethnographies of Islam in China
- Michael Sharkey wins the Ko Cheuk-hung Prize for the best thesis 2019-2020
- Theodore Stapleton wins the Ko Cheuk-hung Prize for the best thesis 2019- 2020
- Conference: The CCP’s 100-year trajectory through the prism of its founding principles: Organization, ideology, social bases, modernization and nation-building agenda
- Appointment of Professor Timothy Power as Head of Division
- OSGA welcome Professor Denise van der Kamp
- ‘Rural Development in China and East Asia’
- ‘Missionary Yijing in Qing China: Dialogues between the Yijing and the Bible’
- ‘Where is the UK National Interest in our Economic Relationship with China?’
- ‘The Anti-Hong Kong Dollar Campaign and the Making of China’s Exchange Rate Regime, 1949-1951’
- ‘Dog Days and Salted Fish: Malaise of Indolence among Young Migrant Café Workers in Shanghai’
- ‘The Role of Practice Diffusion in China’s Engagement in Global Standardization’
- Sharing Food, Vulnerability, and Intimacy in a Global Pandemic: The Digital Art of the Chinese Diaspora in Europe
- ‘The Battle of Images: The Sino-Hollywood Negotiation’
- ‘China’s Role in Post-Pandemic Asia: Trade, Vaccines and Infrastructure’
- ‘Recontextualizing Japanese Views of African Americans from the Arrival of Commodore Perry (1853) to the Paris Peace Conference (1919)’
- ‘The Reform of the Legal System of Taxation in China in the Last Two Decades and Future Prospects’
- ‘Disaggregating China, Inc.: State Strategies in the Liberal Economic Order’
- ‘Legacies of minjok and neo-Confucianism in the construction of early DPRK political apparatus’
- ‘The Politics of Nuclear Commemoration in Asia: The China Case’
- ‘Distant Shores: Colonial Encounters on China’s Maritime Frontier’
- ‘Making Sustainable Urbanization in China: Environmental Externalities, Income Inequality and Resources Governance in the Post-carbon Era’
- ‘Being Transgender in China: Trans Celebrity, Queer Activism and Feminist Politics’
- ‘The Taiwanese Roots of East Asia’s War Litigation Movement: An Alternate Genealogy’
- ‘What are we speaking about when we speak of China?’
- ‘Translation Matters: Problems of Inference in Assessments of China’s Intentions’
- ‘The Future Is Now: Theory and Method of the Newborn Socialist Thing’
- ‘Typographic Bodies: Futurist Biopoetics in Republican China’
- ‘Chinese Scholars and the Studies of Chinese Foreign Policy’
- Professor Rachel Murphy publishes two journal articles
- Kristy Bryant
- Militarizing Atomic Energy across the Taiwan Strait in the Cold War and Challenging the Nuclear Family in 19th Century Korea
- ‘Back Down to the Countryside: Contextualizing the Fanxiangqingnian “Return Youth” Phenomenon, A case study of Heyang Village’
- ‘Jokebooks and Humour Publications in Late-Ming China’
- ‘Politics of AI in China’
- The Micro-Institutional Foundations of Capitalism: Sectoral Pathways to Globalization in China, India, and Russia’
- ‘Foreigners and outsiders: Chinese views of Jesuit missionaries in the late Ming period’
- Between and Beyond Nation-Building and Self-Representation
- ‘Do you feel accepted? Perceived acceptance and its spatially varying determinants of migrant workers among Chinese cities’
- ‘Poverty and Squalor in Modern Chinese Realism’
- Call for Papers: Rural China under Xi: Change, Continuity and Contradictions
- UK-China relations: the role of British MPs in making policy
- Book Launch: Professor Henrietta Harrison (Oxford) “The Perils of Interpreting: The Extraordinary Lives of Two Translators between Qing China and the British Empire”
- Conversation II: Authenticity and Sincerity in Premodern China
- "Mark Logan MP delivers the Contemporary China Studies Keynote Lecture on UK-China relations"
- Online Research in China in a Time of No Access: Methods, Techniques and Tips Description
- British Association of Chinese Studies Annual Conference
- British Association of Chinese Studies Annual Conference
- 16th International Conference on Agriculture & Rural Development in China
- ‘From Wild Lilies to Sunflowers: Taiwan’s Youth Movement and the Making of Democracy'
- ‘Fighting Imperialism – Forging Solidarity: Africa in PRC Visual Propaganda, 1950s to 1980s’
- The Evolution of Contemporary China Studies: Coming Full Circle?
- The Meaning of Sima Qian’s ‘一家之言’
- ‘Crossing the Iron Curtain: North Korea’s and Japan’s Connections to the World during the Cold War’
- ‘World Safe for Autocracy? The Domestic Politics of China’s Foreign Policy’
- ‘Modernity on the Periphery: Urbanisation and Informality after the Chongqing Model’
- ‘Life in Lhasa during the Republic Era: Dai Xinsan’s Diary
- ‘Life in Lhasa during the Republic Era: Dai Xinsan’s Diary’
- Hong Kong: China's canary down the mine?
- ‘Obsessed wth Reading: Bovarysm as a Phenomenon in the Reception of Translated Love Stories in Early Twentieth-Century China’
- New Worlds and New Connections in East Asia
- ‘How do Movement Parties Learn Lessons of Defeat in Taiwan? How do movement parties learn lessons of defeat in Taiwan? The case of the Green Party Taiwan? The Case of the Green Party Taiwan’
- ‘Chinese Female Star Power in Translingual Media Culture: The Case of Michelle Yeoh’
- A short workshop for DPhils on how to get the most out of a conference
- ‘She’s an Icon, She’s Your Type: Linguistic Gender through Typographic and Visual Perspectives in Republican China’
- ‘Immersing in Fields: Reflections on Theory and Practice of Ethnography’
- The Resistance War in the Diary of Huang Tirun (1933‒1939)’
- Intellectual Visions of Nations and Peoples in Interwar East Asia
- ‘Carbon Technocracy: Energy Regimes in Modern East Asia’
- Film screenings ‘Directors’ Dialogue’ (12.30-1.30pm )
- 'Reader, Author, Icon, Superhero? Lu Xun and his Literature in Chinese Comics’
- The Rise and the Fall of the EAST: Examination, Autocracy, Stability, and Technology in Chinese History and Today
- China and the UK in 2023, is there a Progressive Way Forward?
- Mao and Markets: The Communist Roots of Chinese Enterprise
- Self-Fashioning in Tang China: From the 'Casual Gaffer' to the 'Master of Extreme Torment'
- The Risk of Conflict in the Taiwan Strait: Strategy, Technology and Deterrence
- China’s Ambitions to Explore the Moon and the Prospects for Lunar Governance
- The Qing Empire and its Offshore Islands during the Long Eighteenth Century
- Dreaming Together: Communes Before Communism, 1919-1921
- The Taiwan Miracle
- Party Politics
- Identity Politics and the Diaspora
- Kinship, Gender, and Demography
- Religion and Tradition
- Arts and Cinema
- Matthew Hurst
- Why Do Chinese Filmmakers Love Melons? And Other Questions from a New Digital Archive of Early Cinema
- The US‒Japan Alliance and Taiwan
- Negotiated Sovereignty: The Fisherfolks and the State in the Northern Gulf of Tonkin, 1954‒1964
- this talk has been postponed until further notice CIT: An Alternative Classification Scheme for the Chinese Visual Culture
- Remembering and Forgetting Pivotal Moments in Modern Chinese History
- Guarding Dictatorship: China's Surveillance State
- Values Confliction and Identification in China’s Generation Y
- Jieh-min Wu: Rival Partners: How Taiwanese Entrepreneurs and Guangdong Officials Forged the China Development Model
- Ruling the Sichuan’s Stage: Reading China’s sociocultural transformation from the 18th to the 20th century through the perspective of opera
- How is China Acquiring Global Influence?
- Oxford China Reading Group
- The Transmission of Ming vernacular fiction in Joseon and Japan: using The Romance of Three Kingdoms, The Water Margins, Journey to the West as examples.
- Vessels and Cargos: Spaces of Inclusion and Exclusion in Johnnie To’s Drug War and Lee Hae-young’s Korean Remake Believer
- The Wor(l)d Itself: The Language of Mapping China
- The Astor Lecture in Global History: Why Is China So Big? Rethinking the Realm and its Subjects Under the Qing
- ‘Network Games: Strategic Reasoning in International Relations (with Applications in Chinese Foreign Policy)’
- Decoupling in the Digital Age: China and the Challenge of Massive Modularity
- Zhang Yueran speaking at China Centre
- Late Imperial Chinese Court Drama and Digitisation of Ancient Texts in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
- From Public Sympathy to Collective Anger: Media, Emotions, and Politics in 1930s-China
- China's Asymmetric Statecraft: Alignments, Competitors, and Regional Diplomacy
- The Myth and Facts of China's Public Surveillance System: Evidence from the Government Procurement Contracts
- Rejuvenating Communism: Youth Organizations and Elite Renewal in Post-Mao China
- An Introduction to and Revisionist Critique of the Case (案) as Historical Source and Administrative Artefact in Local Jurisdictions of the Late Empire
- Framed by the Archive: Maoist Revolution and the Case of Merchant Zha, 1949‒1952
- Sino-US Relations: A Historical Perspective from the Pearl River Delta
- Conference on Chinese Art and Literature in the Republican Era
- China’s Law of the Sea
- Dr. Patricia M.Thornton publishes two journal articles
- Award for best piece of work in Taiwan and Comparative perspective received by Christopher Pieper
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Hong Kong: Not Just Another Chinese City
- Literary Transmission as Political Action: Feng Menglong's Mountain Songs Compendium (c. 1610)
- U.S. and European Legal Responses to Chinese Forced Labour
- One Man Talking: Selected Essays of Shao Xunmei, 1929‒1939
- Xi Jinping: The Hidden Agendas of China's Ruler for Life
- Spectres of Progress in a Northeast Asian Borderland
- ‘Factional-Ideological Conflicts in Chinese Politics: To the Left or to the Right?
- ‘Making Peace with the Devil: the Problem of Ending Just Wars’
- ‘Post Taiwan New Cinema Era: The Auteurs and the Industry’
- ‘Locust Control in Late Imperial China’
- ‘The Dragon Roars Back: Transformational Leaders and Dynamics of Chinese Foreign Policy’
- ‘Intersection across the Pacific: Race, Migration, and the Environment in Modern East Asia’
- China Reading Group ‘Chinese Grand Strategy?’
- CCSP MPhil second year students share this great photo of them having completed their Term Abroad in Taiwan for Michaelmas Term 2023
- US–China Competition: Risks without Rewards?
- The Vicissitudes of the Image of the Soviet Union among the Chinese Public during the 1950s
- Xi Jinping and Time
- Pure and True: the Everyday Politics of Ethnicity for China’s Hui Muslims
- Panel discussion on Taiwan post-election analysis
- Public Health in China: Multidisciplinary Workshop
- ‘How to Tell a Sensitive History: Interviews with Chinese International Communist Volunteers in Burma’
- ‘Life Above All Else: Foucault, China and Mutations of the Biopolitical’
- ‘China’s Economic Diplomacy in an Age of “Derisking”’
- ‘China’s Mundane Revolution: Cheap Print, Vernacular Knowledge and the Rise of the Common Reader, 1894‒1954’
- ‘Engaging with Alterity: The Chinese Style of Gardening in Eighteenth-Century Britain’
- ‘Inside the Global Supply Chain: Transnational Migrant Labour, Commodity Circulation and Digitised Economies across Taiwan’
- Revisiting uncertainty: The Governance of assisted reproductive technologies in China
- Professor Rachel Murphy
- Dr. Patricia Thornton
- Ms Fang Jing
- Professor Henrietta Harrison
- Professor Margaret Hillenbrand
- Ms Hu Bo
- Professor Maria H.A. Jaschok
- Caixuan Ji
- Mr Shio-yun Kan
- Mingxuan Li
- Professor Anna Lora-Wainwright
- Dr Annie Hongping Nie
- Ms Yang Song
- Contemporary China Studies Administrator
- Professor Shelagh Vainker
- Professor Denise van der Kamp
- Yuet Yan Katherine Wong
- Guanlin Wu
- Dr Chigusa Yamaura
- Haiyun (Helena )Zhao
- Contemporary China Studies: Use of cookies on this website
- Yi-Chuan Chiu
- Aikedan Ainiwaer
- Dr Stuart J. Wright
- Professor Paul Irwin Crookes
- William Beinart
- Dr Mihail Chiru
- Evelyn Chan
- Professor Matthew Erie
- Dr Patricia O'Neill
- Dr Uma Pradhan
- Wuyutong Yao
- Teresa Irigoyen-Lopez
- Wenqi Zhao
- Kefan Xue
- Everyday Activism and Zero Waste Living in China
- China’s Military Rise: Two Decades of Catch Up with the USA
- Dr Ruoxi Liu
- China Studies Seminar
- Rural-to-Urban Migration, Gender and Familial Care in Post-Socialist China
- Compensation and the Consolidation of Authoritarian Power: Evidence from China’s 2016 PLA Reform
- Atomized Incorporation: Chinese Workers and the Aftermath of China’s Rise
- Technology and the Rise of Great Powers
- Through Texts or Objects: How Classicists and Antiquarians Conceptualised the Chinese Ritual Jade cong
- New Books Network podcast on Resigned Activism, Revised Edition (October 2024)
- An Outlook for US-China-Taiwan Relations under Trump 2.0
- EU-Taiwan Relations in a New Reality: What Lies Ahead?
- Taiwan and Indo-Pacific Geopolitics: Implications of 2024 Pivotal Elections Around the World
- New Book: Inside the Expressive Culture of Chinese Women's Mosques - ‘This Turmoil of the Soul’ (2025). Routledge Contemporary China Series, Routledge
- Winners of 2023/24 Ko Cheuk-hung Prizes announced!
- US–China Relations in the 21st Century: Prospect and Retrospect
- A China Reporter's Notebook ‒ Watching a Great Power Open and Rise, then Turn Inwards
- A Nosedive into Medieval China: Smells, Identities and the Writing of the Olfactory Past
- The Art of State Persuasion: China's Strategic Use of Media in Interstate Dispute
- The Emotions of Empire: Love, Desire, and the Moral Psychology of Cosmic Resonance in the Lǚshi Chunqiu and Huainanzi
- Botanical remediations: Farming, Plants and Contemporary Arts in Hong Kong
- ‘Taiwan and its Southeast Asia Challenge’
- Workshop: Connection in Contemporary Taiwan Cultural Studies
- Pathways to Conflict in the South China Sea
- Diaspora Chinese and Modern China: Transnationalism and Class of the Chinese of the British West Indies, the 1880s–1970s
- Kingdom of Pines: State Forestry and the Making of Early Modern Korea, 1392-1910
- The US-China Conflict and a Divided Southeast Asia: Implications for Taiwan
- Anthropocene Urbanity and Surreal Imagery: Hong Kong in Contemporary Sinophone Fiction
- Colonial Projects and Local Realities in East Asian ‘Peripheries'
- Yang sheng and Diaitētikē: Comparative Perspectives on Regimen in Early China
- Symposium: Gender and Care in China: New Challenges and Practices
- China Centre Talk-Prof. William Hurst, University of Cambridge
- Involuntary Bachelorhood and the Crises of the Son-centred Intergenerational Contract – Insights from Gender-imbalanced Rural China